
vacation pics up....

hey - we put our vacation pics up on the flickr page... take a look!

stories and video to come soon....


Liam and the Cedarmont Kids....

Our kids love the Cedarmont Kids - Thank you Ben and Michelle for finding this "great" Christian children's group. Thanks to the grandparents for stocking our home with - count 'em - 7 DVDs. The Cedarmont Kids have infiltrated our home, and our kids are hooked on this group. If you've never heard or seen the Cedarmont Kids, you're really missing out. Just think of all your favorite Sunday School songs sung in various locations by kids wearing costumes, outfits from the 80's, or playing at playgrounds. The video below is Liam singing one of his favorites. Note: we did NOT set him up for this. This was his own idea. Enjoy!



On Tuesday Jenna brought out the bouncy seat for Addison. She's having so much fun exploring life on two feet. A few more pics on the Flickr page (use the four-photo-link on the left side of the page).


FLASH 9 and YouTube!

Some of you are having trouble with being able to see the video... you might not have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player... follow this link:

just click on the link button that says "download now"


My God is so Big!

My Aunt Linda is quite a trooper... here she is hosting a Sunday School sing-along with my kids and her daughter. I was lucky enough to have the camcorder handy and capture an old favorite "My God is so Big!" Take a look.

Family Resemblance?

what do you think?

my mom brought some picture of my father this weekend on their visit. i brought them all into photoshop and created a little comparison of my father and my son, liam....

so what do you think, is there a family resemblance?


Welcome to the scott family album...

so yes, these are our stories; this is our life. being that our families live everywhere it seems but here. we thought it would be good to create a family album full of stories, pictures, and yes, even video if i can get the youtube thing figured out....

check back often. comment as much as you'd like. we'd love to hear from you.
