
Africa coture

All ladies have to wear skirts while we are on the Mully Children's Family campus in June. Then we will leave all our clothes at MCF.

The only skirts I own are wool or denim for fall/winter--way too hot for Africa. I shopped some thrift stores, asked friends and family for light-weight knee-length skirts to take, but came up empty.

So mom Hoffman and I went to Wal-Mart and she bought $2.98 worth of fabric off their clearance, and I am sewing the 3 skirts I will take, wear, then leave. That is less than $1 per skirt!

Here is the first of my labours of love to leave at MCF.

I am a self-taught rogue sewer and don't use patterns--or if I do I make my own. But I am totally enjoying creating and improvising, using math and problem-solving. I think I'll add some pockets to this one and try a different shape/tactic on skirt #2.

Moms and grandmas--suggestions are welcome for skirts #2 and #3. Grandma Dunkin--do you recognize the lace trim at the bottom?